The purpose of The Foundation is to provide grants for the support of clinical investigation in brain tumor therapy. The Foundation is currently supporting brain tumor research being conducted at the Massachusetts General Hospital ("MGH").
Grants provided by The Foundation were previously instrumental in the construction of the Pediatric Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant Room at New England Medical Center, the first of its kind in Boston. In recognition of it's support, a plaque in memory of Marcus was placed outside the room.
“We have another child who is alive today after being sent home from another hospital to die. When the family came to us for a second opinion, pleading to keep their daughter alive through Christmas, we tried two new innovative drug regiments followed by transplantation... and that child can now plan for yet another Christmas.
... I can’t help imagine Marcus’ buoyant and feisty zest for life and wonder about the gift of his boyish time with us - so briefly shared. So there are these other children and families now, who share in Marcus’ gift, who treasure their children - yet ever longer - because of Marcus... his zest, therefore endures...
The Foundation has also established the Marcus Fund for Families. The Fund helps defray the cost to families with children undergoing treatment at MGH for brain tumors and other neurological diseases.